Domiciliary Care Services

Domiciliary Care Services Covering West Midlands

As we age, performing some everyday tasks and routines may begin to pose a challenge. If you are finding that you can carry out some activities independently, but have trouble with others, then domiciliary care could be for you. Our domiciliary care service offers highly skilled, dedicated care staff to older people, and adults / children with complex health needs, within their own homes. From a minimum of 30 minutes to several hours a day, our carers will support you with a range of tasks, including:

Personal care

Help with getting up / going to bed

Moving from bed to chair/wheelchair/toilet with or without hoists

Assisting with washing, bathing, showering and dressing (maintaining good personal hygiene)

Hair and nail care


Emptying catheter bags

Changing incontinence pads

Domestic duties

Cleaning and dusting

Changing beds


Washing up


Getting around your local area


Catching up with friends and family members

Attending a place of worship

Attending medical and other official appointments

Visiting day centres or community groups

Helping you to manage your money

Putting together your shopping list

Paying bills

Covering West Midlands

There are many more ways in which we can support you; and if you have more specific care requirements, these can be included in your care plan. We are equally passionate about matching our clients with carers who can meet their cultural and spiritual needs.

Domiciliary Care Services

Our Support

Need some support? Then call us today on 0121 532 6090 / 07502284633 or